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Loaded Bloody Mary Mixer

This hearty recipe contains an abundance of vegetables, spices, peppers, lemon juice and pure tomato juice. We’ve added a few special ingredients, such as horseradish for a rich texture and jalapeño peppers for just a touch of heat. This full bodied Bloody Mary is great on its own as a wholesome morning drink or mixed with your favorite spirit for a distinctive cocktail all your own.
Product Features
  • 96% juice from California Roma tomatoes and a touch of lemon juice from California Lisbon and Eureka lemons
  • Gourmet recipe features large spice granules, diced chunks of pepper, horseradish and cracked black pepper.
Behind the Bar
  • California style Bloody Mary
  • Flavorful, but not spicy hot
  • Hearty flavor and thick texture allow it to mix well with many styles of spirits


Finest Call Loaded Bloody Mary Mixer Incluye
Roma Tomatoes
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Finest Call Loaded Bloody Mary Mixer Incluye
Lisbon and Eureka Lemons
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ABM Cocktail PRO
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